Map of Bulgaria

Map of Bulgaria
Map of Bulgaria

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Funny Moments

A lot of what we deal with on a day-to-day basis is heavy stuff. The drama in the house created by the grief and loss Naomi and Simon feel can be intense at times. But thankfully we also have many moments of lightness and humor. This stuff may only be funny to us - maybe you have to be there? - but I'm posting it in case you find it funny, too, and so you know we can enjoy ourselves in the midst of the hard times.


Naomi and Simon love staples. I had to go to Staples to buy more staples after they had been home a couple of weeks. How often do you buy staples? They come in packs of something like 100,000 and you lose them or move houses before you run out, but not with these kids. The stapling fetish has died down a lot, but that first month they wanted to put multiple staples in every piece of paper they could get their hands on. 

After a month or so at school, I had to write a note to a teacher saying, "Sorry this is all stapled together. Child loves to staple." The return note said, "I was wondering why [as an English Language Learner] they knew the word stapler so well."

Bass / Bus

Somehow the little kids heard the song "All About That Bass." They came home from school singing it, except it sounded like, "all about the bus, about the bus, no trouble." So that's the version we sing in our house, except it's "all about the bus, about the bus, no getting in trouble" because there is often trouble on the bus.

Pork chop

Simon has kind of a stocky or husky build, which is pretty common in Bulgaria. (Or at least he did - he's grown an inch and gotten a little slimmer since being here.) Todd decided a good nickname for him would be "pork chop." He must have used it mostly when Simon was misbehaving or getting in trouble.

One day, Simon was mad at me for something. I can't remember what it was but I probably wouldn't let him do something he wanted to do. He was yelling at me and the insult he chose was, "you pork chop!" So, that was the end of that nickname.

1 comment:

  1. aw, funny kids!!!! I am so grateful I got to spend time with your family n B, I really love those kids!!! You guys are doing an amazing jobwith them!!
